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《太空鸭: 大逃亡》是《宇宙9》系列的一部分,这套9款益智游戏是在一个神秘的外星电子游戏机上发现的,它们正在外太空漂流。在这次宇宙谜题探险中,帮助一个失落的鸭子部落-在他们的千年追求一个稳定的世界!在《太空鸭: 大逃亡》中,通过按照正确的顺序移动太空鸭,完成挑战索科班式的谜题,以达到他们的飞船所需的能源,并前往下一个星球。

But tread lightly, as walking on loose ground will propel into space what ever is standing on the other side. One duck's progress could mean another duck´s demise!

And even if a duck goes solo (years of living on precarious planets have turned the ducks into a somewhat callous people), remember that their is no escaping gravity and that one false move could bring your mission to a crashing conclusion.Features
- Help a tribe of duck-people escape 18+ puzzle planets,
- Travel across a colorful galaxy and visit 3 biomes,
- Learn and master original Sokoban inspired mechanics
- Harness gravity to reshape the planets to your needs
- Coordinate the ducks' efforts (or let them die trying)
- Enjoy the retro-classical art, dark humor and original music
<i>Space Ducks: The great escape</i> was made by Fernando García (@Taletronic), Clare Pearce (@FishTaod) and Groovel Studio (@GroovelStudio).
With the participation of artist Polyducks (@Polyducks), who kindly brought space travel to our Ducks, in the shape of a lean, mean, shiny low-polygon mesh.

